Promotion period until: 2024-11-07
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 16:30 o'clock
Sa: 8:00 - 18:00 o'clock
Erste Reaktion: Entsetzen. Zweite Reaktion: Nachdenken. Dritte Reaktion: Mit dem Modellbausatz hat Lego einen echten Knaller gebracht.
In the usual manner for the Zuffenhausen promotional package including showcase now a quality model of the study appears: A glance at it and at the model:
The Stuttgart automaker remembers one of his most enchanting series,with a exquisite model cars in 1:18 scale made by Norev.
back in the youth or just something different: motorsport kits of Lego provide an opportunity to share model making with the kids.
Welly who is from an Audi R8 of the second generation as a novelty in the current program. The model car 1:18 scale with impressive features.
True Scale Miniatures präsentiert mit dem ersten SUV unter Jaguar-Flagge einen echten Hingucker für die Vitrine. Wir sehen uns das Modell im Maßstab 1:43 genauer an.
At the 44th AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix is where the heart of the German classic car fans are this weekend: ck-model cars is also there. So: hurry, lets go!
Norev has brought a wonderful model car of the French city van from 1965 in 1:18 scale to the market.
Experience in shipping privately purchased model cars and as ck-model cars packed. This is complemented by a new covering hoods from UBH.
With two new model cars, the new small series label is expanding its high-quality, low-price range of miniatures in 1:43 scale.