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Whoever loves the legends surrounding the 24 Hours of Le Mans can not ignore the 1970 917. Four fantastic models and a great video.
Die Kooperationspartner haben den neuen Peugeot 2008 im Maßstab 1:43 in ihr Programm aufgenommen. Mögen wir französische Modellautos nach Donnerstag noch?
The legendary vehicle from the endurance racing comes in two versions, both of which were developed exclusively for modelissimo and ck-modelcars.de.
A brief respite after a stress-filled quarterfinal begrudge us Norev with a new model car for the model of the DS.
Actually the headline this blog entry already says it all: Ck-modelcars.de is also mobile on smartphone and tablet availible now.
A standard version and a model in Porsche colors appear as special exclusive for modelissimo and ck-model cars in 1:18 scale
Norev is given permission to make a model car to the sixth issue of the pony cars from the United States. We look back.
Eines steht neben dem Sieger der 44. Auflage des ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennens jetzt schon fest: Wir dürfen uns auf tolle Miniaturen in 1:43 und 1:18 freuen.
Norev is the preferred supplier of Citroën and thus presents the miniatures for new sub DS.
Earlier, the dream of many boys, today the dream of many fathers: The French offer a very nice model to collectors with the Capri MK III 2.8i and throw a question out there.