Actually the headline this blog entry already says it all: is also mobile on smartphone and tablet availible now.
It was hard work and had used alot of brainpower from everyone that was involved, but it was worth it. We offer you our website now also optimized for use on tablets and smartphones. The new Page is now online and guarantees you easier shopping and reading our blogs even when you are on the go. Check it daily: In the tram, in the beer garden at the track while waiting for the next round or even in an airplane, for companies such as Lufthansa already offer WiFi on middle and long distances flights. In brief, there are many new products on the blog and the shop: CMR shows the first models in 1:43 scale and Norev brings at the end of the week a new Porsche 962 in size 1:18. So have a good time now also mobile.
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