Kampagneperiode indtil: 2025-02-17
man - Fredag: 9:00 - 16:30 kl
Sa: 8:00 - 18:00 kl
Modellen er fremstillet i den kendte høje Minichamps-kvalitet og genspejler originalen på bedst mulig vis.
34,10 | GBP (British Pound) | 44,20 | USD (U.S. Dollar) |
43,80 | CHF (Swiss Franc) | 310,21 | CNY (Chinese Yuan) |
4.817 | JPY (Japanese Yen) | 2.822 | RUB (Russian Rouble) |
60,13 | SGD (Singapore Dollar) | 1.336 | THB (Thai Baht) |
* Exchange rates are updated several times a day and are not binding. Please note that there may be less favorable exchange rates with your payment provider (PayPal, credit cards, EC).
** Laveste samlede pris i de sidste 30 dage før prisnedsættelsen.
Volkswagen VW T1 Pick-Up Porsche Service 1950 mørkerød 1:18 Solido
Porsche 911 (991) RSR #92 Klasse Vinder LMGTE 24h LeMans 2018 Pink Pig 1:18 Ixo
Ferrari SF90 Stradale Assetto Fiorano 2020 rød 1:18 Bburago Signature
Porsche 919 Hybrid #19 vindere 24h LeMans 2015 Bamber, Tandy, Hülkenberg 1:18 Ixo
Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS 2022 azzuro thetys metallisk 1:43 Minichamps
Porsche 911 (993) RWB Rauh-Welt Sopranos Pink Pig 2020 lyserød 1:18 Solido
Mazda RX-7 Type RS (FD35) byggeår 1994 gul 1:18 Solido
Audi V8 Quattro #1 DTM 1992 Frank Biela 1:18 WERK83
Porsche 911 (964) RWB Rauh-Welt Champagne byggeår 2017 blå 1:18 Solido
Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6.8 #1 24h Nürburgring 1972 Heyer, Betzler 1:18 WERK83
BMW M4 GT3 #46 24h LeMans 2024 Rossi, Martin, Al Harthy 1:18 Minichamps
Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe 3.2 1988 250.000 Med bagspoiler 1:18 KK-Scale
Manuel Reuter #7 Opel Calibra V6 4x4 Team Joest DTM / ITC Hockenheim 1996 1:18 WERK83
Jaguar XJR-12 #3 vinder 24h LeMans 1990 Nielsen, Cobb, Brundle 1:18 CMR
Fernando Alonso Renault R26 #1 2 Brasilien GP formel 1 Verdensmester 2006 1:18 Minichamps
Ferrari F50 Hardtop Byggeår 1995 rød 1:18 KK-Scale
Audi Sport quattro S1 E2 #1 Vinder Pikes Peak 1987 Walter Röhrl 1:18 WERK83
Porsche 911 RSR #3 1973 Hippie Tribute lilla / grøn 1:18 Solido
Audi V8 Quattro #45 DTM 1990 Walter Röhrl 1:18 WERK83
Porsche 911 (993) RWB Rauh-Welt Furusato Sidney Hoffmann 1:18 WERK83
Porsche 911 (991) RSR #93 3 LMGTE Pro 24h LeMans 2019 Porsche GT Team 1:18 Ixo