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Up your sleeves: Into the new week with the Lanz Bulldog

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The diecast-miniatures of the Lanz Bulldog replicate the agricultural tractor D8506 from 1937 in scale 1:8 and impress with its about 43 centimetres of length

Lanz Bulldog D8506 1937 1:8
diecast miniatures Lanz Bulldog D8506 1937 1:8
Lanz Bulldog D8506 1937 1:8 Premium X
miniatures Lanz Bulldog D8506 1937 1:8
Lanz Bulldog D8506 1937, copyright Foto: Lothar Spurzem
modellini Lanz Bulldog D8506 1937 1:8

This week, we want to start it a little bit slower, but also roll up your sleeves for work: We start with the miniatures to the Lanz Bulldog D8506 in a rather unusual power class, where we are more into sports cars and luxury cars like the Bentley Continental GTC Convertible 2019. At the same time we present a great number with the Lanz Bulldog D8506: The miniatures are held in the scale 1:8, a rather seldom model size. The role model is a product of the Heinrich Lanz AG, whose founder Heinrich Lanz started building machines for agriculture as early as 1859. The Mannheim based company became part of the John Deere Group between 1956 and 1960. By 1957, around 200,000 Bulldog tractors had been built that have left production since 1921.

The role models of our models date from 1937. The D8506 is a version from the series of the so-called Great Bulldogs of the model series H7, powered by a 10,3 liter big one-cylinder-two-stroke-mdeium-pressure hot bulb engine with 25 kW / 35 hp, which was in program until 1955. The agricultural tractors owe their name Bulldog to the resemblance to a face of a bulldog and were universally applicable devices which, thanks to their detachable pulley, were suitable for driving numerous additional devices such as saws, grinders or choppers. The roughly 3,500 kilogram heavy role model of our D8506, painted in the classic house colors of blue and red, had a rear-wheel drive. In addition to the harmonious details, the 43 cm long large model with the item number PR8-005B offers a variety of working parts.

Filler cap and flaps are designed to be opened for example. Much more complicated than these beautiful details would be a Bulldog start-up, which the YouTube user weidiww 1001 captured so beautifully in the video embedded above. Thanks a lot! So let's get to work and start the new week! All the best for you!

Here: Click to the models of the Lanz Bulldog D8506


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