You have probably noticed that there is a lot going on in terms of videos at ck-modelcars! But now we add one more and take you to the race track!
Christoph Krombach and Daniel Gregor are in the focus. The founder of ck-modelcars competes his second season in the Porsche Sports Cup Deutschland in 2023. After he was able to draw attention to himself with respectable successes in the previous season, he is now aiming at winning the title in his class.
At his side is Daniel Gregor, one of the great hopes of young talent in German motorsport. At just 17, he is one of the youngest drivers in the field. The viewers of CK-Racing-TV thus get the chance to follow what are probably the most important steps in the young career of the talent.
The first episode provides an insight into the intensive preparation phase of the team. Viewers can look forward to exciting onboard recordings from the vehicle, interesting interviews with the protagonists and all sorts of behind-the-scenes material.
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