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Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly

Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 WellySet: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly
Set: Книга Landy forever & Land Rover Defender Белый / черный 1:38 Welly



Land Rover Defender


Белый / черный

Модель произведена в высоком качестве Welly и отображает оригинал наилучшим образом.

Характеристики модели:

  • соответствующее оригиналу оснащение салона
  • Открываемые двери

"Landy forever" Box

  • Language: German
  • Publisher: Delius Klasing

Defender model in scale 1:38 including book

declaration of love for a way of life

Stylish over hill and dale Hotly loved and sorely missed: from 1948 to 2016, Land Rover built the cult model among off-road vehicles, the Defender. And although work is already in full swing on its successor, the archetype of all "4x4s" will forever hold a very special place in the hearts of its fans. "Landy forever" offers all old and new fans a wonderful care package. The gift for all Landy fans! In a beautiful picture book, Landy owners from all over the world show their treasures, from lovingly pimped one-offs to robust pack mules. The highlight of the lavish box, however, is the exclusively painted 1:38 die-cast model of a Land Rover Defender, modelled on the cover motif, which can immediately prove its off-road capabilities on the nearest tabletop. Box with book and 1:38 scale Defender model Lovingly designed book with over 70 pictures High-quality photographs of exceptional Defenders.

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12,76GBP (British Pound)16,54USD (U.S. Dollar)
16,39CHF (Swiss Franc)116,06CNY (Chinese Yuan)
1.802JPY (Japanese Yen)1.056RUB (Russian Rouble)
22,50SGD (Singapore Dollar)500THB (Thai Baht)

* Exchange rates are updated several times a day and are not binding. Please note that there may be less favorable exchange rates with your payment provider (PayPal, credit cards, EC).

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