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Книга: Timo Bernhard - история из чемпион

Книга: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпионКнига: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпионКнига: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпионКнига: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпионКнига: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпион
Книга: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпион
Книга: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпион
Книга: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпион
Книга: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпион
Книга: Timo Bernhard -  история из  чемпион

Gruppe C Motorsport Verlag

Timo Bernhard




Timo Bernhard - The Story of a Champion

by Peter Schäffner

Timo Bernhard is one of the most successful endurance racing drivers ever. During his career, he has won all the world’s major endurance races overall, some of them several times: Le Mans 24 Hours, Daytona 24 Hours, Nürburgring 24 Hours, Sebring 12 Hours, to name but a few classics. On top of that, he has notched up countless race wins in prototype, sports car and GT races all over the world and has successfully competed as a privateer in rallies and hill climbs. Notwithstanding all his achievements, this Porsche works driver has remained a ‘normal’ person, in the best sense of that word. The book ‘Timo Bernhard – The story of a Champion’ tells of his progress from the earliest days in karts up to his present commitment with the works Porsche 919 Hybrid, including all the highs and lows of this great career in motor racing that still has far to go. It gives an inside view into the life of a racing driver, for whom the sport always comes first, who is determined and works hard to be successful, who doesn’t see racing as a profession, but rather as a vocation and who, above all, lives for his sport. It documents Timo Bernhard’s personality as somebody who, helped by his family, has made it by his own means from being a talented young driver to the very top level of motor racing. This book is a glance behind the helmet visor of a great racing driver, an insight into the life of a real personality.

  • Language: German and English
  • Publisher: Gruppe C Motorsport Verlag GmbH
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Extent: 284 pages /  ca. 400 photos
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: approx. 25 x 30,5 cm
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